In other languages, cows don’t moo, dogs don’t say “woof woof” and roosters don’t wake you up with a “cock-a-doodle-do”!
When children are taught animal noises at a young age, their language of origin influences how they will imitate animal noises when playing with friends. For example, a chicken says “tock tock” in German and a small bird says “fiyt-fiyt” in Russian.
Quite a few months back, I stumbled upon a Tweet about animal noises in foreign languages. And somehow, the subject came up with a coworker today — hey, it’s Friday! So on that note, I thought I’d share this great guide to foreign animal sounds.
Derek Abbott, a professor for Australia’s University of Adelaide, posted a chart of animal noises, commands and names on the university’s website years ago.
Whether you want a little something to look at on your break, or you’ve decided to teach your dog commands in another language, this guide is for you!
So for your enjoyment, see what noises animals make and how to speak to your pet in another language: Animals translated
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