Business travel has begun to rebound from its low mid-recession numbers, with the U.S. Travel Association estimating a 7 percent increase in spending this year. Likewise, an increase in international business travel is sure to follow.
Whether you’re hopping across the border to Canada or flying to Japan for a business meeting, there are things you can do to prepare you for any international encounter. So let’s take a minute to review:
1. Learn greetings in multiple languages: While you and your client may employ English during meetings, it is courteous to learn a few key phrases in their language. They have learned English to communicate with you; the least you can do is say “Hello” and “I look forward to working with you again” in their language. If you’re not willing to do that, why work internationally?
2. Work at a slower pace: Not all countries operate like the United States—quick and to the point. Learn to be more laid-back when meeting international clients. You’ll earn their trust if you don’t rush them through meetings and decision-making!
3. Translate your business card: Many international companies are more inclined to do business with someone who has taken the time to translate his or her business card. It can be as simple as placing the translation on the back of your current card! Contact us to find out more about this service!
Read additional international business etiquette tips for conducting business globally; then come on back and leave a comment below. We’d love to find out what you think!
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